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06 November 2024
Author name changes for published articles

Author name changes for published articles, Changing the author name for published articles involves navigating academic and publishing protocols. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Co-Authorship Changes: If an article has multiple authors and changes are being made (such as adding or removing an author), the agreement of all co-authors must usually be obtained.

Author name changes for published articles

2. Author Name Changes: If an author has legally changed their name (e.g., due to marriage, divorce, or personal choice), they can typically request a name change with the publisher. This often requires documentation.

3. Publisher Policies: Different publishers have varying policies regarding author name changes. It's important to check the specific policies of the journal or publisher involved.

4. Updating Online Profiles: After a name change, authors should update their online profiles (e.g., ORCID, ResearchGate) to ensure consistency in their scholarly records.

5. Request Process: Typically, the author or the corresponding author should contact the journal's editorial office or publisher with a request to amend the name(s) on the publication. It's recommended to include a reason for the change and any required documentation.

6. Impact on Citations: Authors should be aware that name changes may impact how their works are cited or identified in databases, and they may need to inform their networks about the change.

7. Post-publication Updates: Some journals may allow for corrections or updates in post-publication notices if there are significant errors or changes, including author name changes.

8. Legal and Academic Considerations: Ensure any legal or institutional requirements are followed when making a name change in published works.

For specific instructions, it’s best to refer to the guidelines provided by the respective journal or publisher.