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18 July 2022
How to write the title of the English thesis?

How to write the title of the English thesis? How can we write an English thesis title that can be retrieved? In this issue, the editor will teach you to write an excellent English thesis topic.

First of all, a qualified topic should at least meet this one: the topic should contain all the key words.

Ensure that the subject words, methods, and subjects of the paper appear in the title. Basically, these are all complete, and the key words of the paper are almost all available.

If you are really unsure, you can use this common topic formula:

[method study] of [topic] among [sample]

e.g. A qualitative study of mindfulness meditation among German nursing students

Of course, in order to explain the problem more clearly, you can also write this:

[Result]: A [method] study of [topic] among [sample]

e.g. Meditation makes nurses perform better: a qualitative study of mindfulness meditation among German nursing students

The relevance between papers and search words is closely related to the position and frequency of search words in the text. Obviously, the title has the largest weight, followed by the summary, keywords, subtitles, etc. Therefore, if you can repeat several key words of the paper in the title, abstract, keywords and chapter titles, it will appear that this paper is very relevant, and importantly, it is easy to be searched out. Of course, whether the article is good or not depends on the content.

1. Try to reflect the difference from other papers on the same topic

For example, your results are more efficient, or you have improved some aspects of the method, which can be reflected in the paper as much as possible.

2. Don't appear words with unclear or meaningless meaning

For example: with, try to think of another preposition substitution with more obvious directivity.

For example: an empirical investigation of, an analysis of, report on, a study of... Taking these meaningless words as the beginning of the title, in addition to wasting the layout, can not improve the retrieval efficiency and summarize the content of the article.

3. Try not to appear abbreviations, chemical symbols, units, etc

In addition, chemical symbols should be written in English standard names, such as carbon dioxide, not for readers to understand, but for search engines to understand.

Articles in the title

Finally, let's talk about the various articles used by non native speakers in the title.

1. The difference between a and the

A static aeroelastic method... The author puts forward a method of static air deformation, suggesting that there are other different static air deformation methods;

The static aeroelastic method... The unique static air deformation method in the world. (domineering!)

2. The difference between having the and not having the

The effects of PM2.5 exposure and related severity: assuming that there are 100 consequences of PM2.5, the article discusses these 100;

Effects of PM2.5 exposure and related severity: if there are 100 consequences of PM2.5, the article discusses some of them.

3. The difference between a and no a

Dynamic modeling and coordinated control for an engine generator set;

Dynamic modeling and coordinated control for engine generator sets