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15 July 2022
What is the difference between SCI papers and EI papers?

  There are many types of papers. If authors want to publish their own papers, they must find the corresponding journals to contact and contribute. What are SCI papers and EI papers? What's the difference between them? Next, let's take a look at SCI papers and EI papers.

  (1) Difference 1: EI papers and SCI papers have different definitions:

  SCI is the "Science Citation Index", the full English name of which is science citation index. It is a world-famous journal document retrieval tool published by the American Institute of scientific information. It selects the source of journals through its strict selection criteria and evaluation procedures. Its retrieval object is mainly natural science.

  EI is the engineering index, which does not include basic theoretical research articles. It is a famous engineering technology comprehensive retrieval tool published by American engineering information company.

  (2) Difference 2: EI papers and SCI papers cover different fields:

  SCI journals mainly cover basic scientific research fields such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, medicine, biology, etc. the selected journals come from more than 40 countries and have more than 50 languages, of which the main countries are the United States, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, France, Japan, Canada, etc., and also include some Chinese (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) journals.

  The fields covered by the literature included in EI: Mechanical Engineering, electromechanical engineering, marine engineering, manufacturing technology, etc; Mining, metallurgy, material engineering, metal materials, non-ferrous metals, ceramics, plastics and polymer engineering; Civil engineering, construction engineering, structural engineering, ocean engineering, water conservancy engineering, etc.