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24 June 2022
What are the effective strategies for writing SCI headlines?

  The title of an SCI paper is very important. It plays a very important role in submission, review, reading and searching after publication. So how to write a good title? Next xiaobian will tell you about this problem in detail.

  Strategy 1: Provide as relevant information as possible, but be very brief.

  The purpose of a headline is to engage a busy reader and let them quickly decide whether they want to read a summary or the full article. The more information a title contains, the easier it will be for readers to effectively determine whether they are interested in your article. The Journal of Ecology, for example, specifies in its author guidance that submissions have a title that is "concise, informative, and as short as possible."

  Strategy 2: Highlight key words.

  Finding keywords that grab the attention of potential readers is often based on the process by which their interest in your article or research grows from nothing. So find a way to put them prominently in the title of your article, at the top of the headline. This also ensures that your articles can be found quickly and accurately in literature search services that use keyword systems to identify articles of interest to specific readers.

  Strategy 3: Choose noun phrases, statements, or questions wisely.

  While traditional article titles use noun phrases, which cluster several words around the most important keywords, declarative headings are generally appropriate for articles that study a specific question and give a less responsible answer. Under these conditions, declarative sentences can highlight and clarify specific information more than noun phrases, leaving a deeper impression on people. Because The former contains powerful verbs, while The latter is often mixed with vague words such as "The effects of..." .

  Strategy 4: Avoid ambiguity caused by noun phrases.

  If a writer puts a string of nouns and adjectives together to form a title with a complex meaning, it can sometimes lead to ambiguity because the same expression can have different meanings or interpretations. This is more likely to happen when nouns or noun phrases are used as adjectives. A basic rule is to keep noun phrases under three words and make sure there is no ambiguity in those three words. If the noun phrase is longer, you may need to rewrite this section to make the meaning clearer by adding prepositions (of, by, for, etc.).