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2023 International Conference on Information Education and Artificial Intelligence(ICIEAI 2023)

2023 International Conference on Information Education and Artificial Intelligence(ICIEAI 2023)

December 22-24,2023

Xiamen China

1.Conference Information

Conference Date:December 22-24,2023

Venue:Xiamen China

Submission Due: Please refer to conference website

Notification: within 1 week after submission

Indexing:EI  Scopus 

2.About ICIEAI 2023

The International Conference on Information Education and Artificial Intelligence (ICIEAI 2023) will be held in Xiamen, China on December 22-24, 2023.The conference will focus on information-based education, artificial intelligence and other research fields, and invite experts and scholars to introduce research on how artificial intelligence in education can help society meet its needs of providing inclusive and fair high-quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all. The conference will focus on how AI shapes and can shape education in all walks of life, how to advance the science and engineering of AI-assisted interactive learning systems, and how to promote widespread adoption. Discuss how novel research ideas can meet practical needs to build an effective ecosystem of AI-assisted human technologies that support learning. This conference will provide an authoritative international exchange platform for researchers in related fields, promote good academic exchanges among scholars in related fields, and promote the development and application of theories and technologies in this field in universities and enterprises. Participants establish business or research contacts and find global partners for future careers.

The main topics of the conference include: computer science education, information science education, deep learning, artificial intelligence,big data, etc.Welcome experts and scholars to submit and participate in the conference!


Support Unit

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4.Committee and Keynote Speakers

General Chairs

Prof. Panos M. Pardalos,Fellow of AAAS, AIMBE, and INFORMS,University of Florida, USA

Prof. Witold Pedrycz,IEEE Life Fellow,University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Technical Program Committee Chairs

Prof.Vijayakumar Varadarajan,EAI Fellow,The University of New South Wales,Australia

Prof. Wai Lok Woo,IEEE Fellow,IET Fellow,Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Prof. Anand Nayyar,IEEE&ACM Senior Member,Duy Tan University, Vietnam


Prof.Hui-Yu Zhou,University of Leicester, UK

Prof. Zehui Zhan,China Normal University,China

Prof. Yongjun Feng,Shaanxi Normal University,China

Assoc. Prof. A.Y.M. Atiquil Islam,East China Normal University ,China

Assoc. Prof. Jionglong Su,Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University,China

5.Call for Paper

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Information education

Artificial Intelligence 

○ Educational Science

○ Internet + Education

○ Distance Education

○ Smart education

○ Active learning

○ learning model

○ Online/Virtual Lab

○ Educational Data Mining

○ mobile learning

○ Information education

○ STEM education

○ E-learning

○ smart learning environment

○ Digital Assessment

○ multimedia teaching

○ educational robot

○ AI and Open Learning

○ E Learning Platforms and Tools

○ Information Technology and Subject Teaching

○ Digital Transformation of Education

○ Model and Architecture of Educational Technology System

○ Intelligent and Interactive Technology in Educational Environments

○ Other Computing Education Related Topics...

○ Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application

○ AI and Education

○ Educational Data Mining

○ Machine Perception and Virtual Reality

○ cognitive science

○ computer Science

○ Artificial intelligence algorithm

○ Intelligent and knowledge-based system

○ cyber security                                               

○ Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing

○ human-computer interaction

○ Intelligent and knowledge-based system

○ AI Algorithms in Education

○ Artificial Neural Networks in Education

○ Multimedia and Cognitive Informatics

○ Network Intelligent Application and Search

○ Intelligent Planning and Scheduling

○ intelligent control

○ Intelligent Computing and Chips

○ Modeling and Identification

○ Computer Architecture

○ Database Technology

○ Other related topics...

6. Publication 

All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

7. Participation Types

Package A: Only Attendance      

Package B: Abstract Submission+Oral Presentation

Package C: Abstract Submission+Poster Presentation

Package D: Full Paper Publicaiton+Oral/Poster Presentation+Attendance

Note: If you need paper publication and presentation both, please submit full paper to : Submission.png

If you need to make presentation without publication, please submit abstract only to :图片2.png

8.Registration Fee

ItemsRegistration Fee
Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages)490 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3400 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Manuscript numbers ≥ 3480 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3100 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)50 USD/ extra page

300 CNY/ extra pag

Attendees without a Submission180 USD/ person

1200 CNY/ person

Oral/Poster Presentation Only230 USD/ person

1500 CNY/ person

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies75 USD/book

500 CNY/book


December 2213:00-17:00Registration
December 2309:00-12:00Speeches of Keynote Speakers
14:00-17:30Oral Presentations
December 2409:00-18:00Academic Investigation

10.Contact us

Conference Secretary: Leah Liu


Tel: +86 17320119422(Wechat)



(Leah Liu Wechat)