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​2023 2nd International Symposium on Computer Applications and Information Systems(ISCAIS 2023)

2023 2nd International Symposium on Computer Applications and Information Systems

(ISCAIS 2023)

Paper submission deadline: March 16, 2023

Registration Deadline: March 10, 2023

Conference Date: March 24-26, 2023

Conference Website:

About the ISCAIS 2023

The ISCAIS 2023 focuses on the  frontier research fields of new-generation information technology, information processing, communication technology, computer science fundamentals, computer software, computer networks, etc. The conference aims to promote the development of China's computer information field, expand international channels of scientific and technological academic exchange, build a platform for sharing academic resources, promote scientific and technological innovation on a global scale, and enhance academic cooperation between China and abroad. The conference also aims to encourage information exchange at the forefront of research in different fields, connect the most advanced academic resources at home and abroad, transform research results into industrial solutions, and bring together talents, technologies and capital to promote development.

Organizing Committee

Conference General Chair


Prof. Xinguo Yu, Central China Normal University, China

Xinguo Yu is the director and professor of Wollongong Joint Research Institute, Huazhong Normal University, professor of National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Huazhong Normal University, senior member of IEEE and ACM, and adjunct professor of University of Wollongong, Australia. He is a steering committee member of the PSIVT conference and a steering committee member of the Intelligent Education Technology Branch of the Chinese Society of Automation. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. His current research focuses on intelligent educational technologies, educational robotics, multimedia analytics, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. He has published more than 100 research papers. He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, and is a guest editor for Multimedia Systems and the International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial He is a guest editor for Multimedia Systems and the International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. He is the General Chair of the 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Services for the Internet and the 2017 Pacific Regional Workshop on Image and Video Technologies, and the Program Chair of the 2015 International Conference on Innovation in Education through Technology and the 2015 Pacific Regional Workshop on Image and Video Technologies.

Technical Program Committee Chair


Prof. Lu Leng, Nanchang Hangkong University, China

Professor, doctor, master's tutor, selected as the outstanding representative of Jiangxi enterprise "innovation person" in "Science and Technology Innovation China", candidate of Jiangxi "Hundred Million Talent Project", candidate of Jiangxi "He is also the Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangxi Computer Association's Cyberspace Security Committee and the Director of Jiangxi Urban Security Information Society. He is a postdoctoral researcher and visiting scholar at Yonsei University in Korea and a visiting scholar at West Virginia University in the United States. He has served as a reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China and nearly 100 SCI journals, as well as a chairman and member of several international academic conferences. He has presided over nearly 20 scientific research projects (including 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China), published more than 100 papers (including nearly 50 SCI papers and 3 highly cited papers), and granted 5 invention patents.

Keynote Speaker


Prof. Gang Wu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Gang Wu, Professor of UESTC, PhD supervisor, IEEE Chengdu Chapter, received his PhD degree in Communication and Information Systems from UST in June 2004. From September 2009 to September 2010, he was a visiting scholar at the Georgia Institute of Science and Technology. He has presided over 1 national 863 project, 1 national natural science foundation project, 2 national science and technology major special projects, 2 national 863 projects, 2 national 973 projects, 2 international science and technology cooperation projects, and 3 other national research projects as the second person in charge. He has published more than 20 SCI papers, applied for 12 invention patents, and co-authored "Modern Wireless and Mobile Communication Technology" (Science Press, September 2006). He is currently an IEEE Member, an editorial board member of China Science - Information Science, a member of the Special Committee on Information and Communication Testing Technology of the Chinese Society of Communication, and a reviewer for several IEEE journals, and received the 2011 IEEE Communications Letter Exemplary Reviewer Award and the 2012 IEEE Globecom Best Paper Award.


Prof. Tang Liu, Sichuan Normal University, China

Tang Liu, He received his B.S. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology in 2003, his M.S. degree in Computer Science from Sichuan University in 2009, and his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Sichuan University in 2015. he was a visiting scholar at the University of Louisiana from 2015 to 2016.

He is currently a professor and vice dean of the School of Computer Science, Sichuan Normal University, a master's degree supervisor, a reserve candidate of Sichuan academic and technical leader, a high-level overseas talent of Sichuan Province, a deputy director of Sichuan Key Laboratory of Visual Computing and Virtual Reality (concurrently), a director of the Institute of Mobile Computing and Intelligent Perception of Sichuan Normal University, a member of the Chengdu Branch of the Chinese Computer Society, a member of the Internet of Things of the Chinese Computer Society He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Chinese Computer Society, and a member of the Young Professional Technical Group of the Chinese Institute of Electronics for the Internet of Things. He is currently a member of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF Recommended Class A Journal), ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (CCF Recommended Class B Journal), Computer Networks (CCF Recommended Class B Journal), IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI Zone 1), Journal of Network and Computer Applications (CCF Class C), Computer Communications (CCF Class C), Pervasive and He is also a member of the program committee of HPCC (CCF recommended C conference), MSN (CCF recommended C conference) and other international academic conferences.


Prof. Nikolaos M. Freris, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), USA

Nick Freris is Professor in the School of Computer Science at USTC, and Vice Dean of the International College. He received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 2005, and the M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the M.S. degree in Mathematics, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering all from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2007, 2008, and 2010, respectively.His research lies in AIoT/CPS/IoT: machine learning, distributed optimization, data mining, wireless networks, control, and signal processing, with applications in power systems, sensor networks, transportation, cyber security, and robotics. Dr. Freris has published several papers in high-profile conferences and journals held by IEEE, ACM, and SIAM and holds three patents. His research has been sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Dept. of Science and Technology, Tencent, and NSF, and was recognized with the USTC Alumni Foundation Innovation Scholar award, the IBM High Value Patent award, two IBM invention achievement awards, and the Gerondelis foundation award. Previously, he was with the faculty of NYU and, before that, he held senior researcher and postdoctoral researcher positions at EPFL and IBM Research, respectively. Dr. Freris is a Senior Member of ACM and IEEE, and a member of CCF and SIAM.


All accepted papers of ISCAIS 2023 will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

Call for paper

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Computer Theory and Application

Arithmetic Logical Unit and Control Unit (CPU)

Computer Security & Cloud system

Computer Testing and Verification

Computer Peripherals

Computer Network Application

Basic Network Technology

Network Security and Management

Network Operations

Network Devics

Progrma Design

Algorithmic Language 

Operating Systems

Application Software

Management Program

Artificial intelligence products and innovation

Mode Recognition and Devices

Information Systems and Security

Real-time Signal and Processing

Information Management Systems

5G Communication and Signal Processing

5G Technology Application, Development and Service Standard

Development of Intelligent Communication and Software Development

Communication Security and Privacy

Wireless network communication technology

Optical Communication

Internet of Things (IoT)


Submission Guidelines

Please submit your papers via the Online Submission System.

1) Manuscripts must be written in English;

2) The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template; (Download the Template)

3) The paper should be no less than 5 pages and no longer than 12 pages;

Participation Method

If you are interested in attending ISCAIS 2023, please complete the registration on the Online Registration System.

Registration Fee

ItemRegistration fee (CNY)Registration fee (USD)
Regular Registration for Paper (5-6 pages)3400 CNY/per paper (5-6 pages)490 USD/per paper (5-6 pages)
Author(Student,Committees)3200 CNY/per paper (5-6 pages)460 USD/per paper (5-6 pages)
Extra Pages (Begin at Page 7)300 CNY/per extra page40 USD/ per extra page
Attendees without Submission (Speaker)1200 CNY/per person175 USD/per person
Attendees without Submission1000 CNY/per person145 USD/per person
Purchase Extra Conference Proceedings500 CNY/book75 USD/book

Contact Us

Conference Secretary: Ms Lee


QQ: 3280954869

Tel: +86-19880960280 (Wechat)