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2022 International Conference on Signal Processing, Computer Networks and Communications (SPCNC2022)

Important Information

Official website:

Conference time: 16-17 December 2022

Venue: Zhengzhou, China

Submission deadline: November 25, 2022

Acceptance/rejection notice: within 1 week after submission

Indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus

Conference profile

The 2022 International Conference on Signal Processing, Computer Networks and Communication (SPCNC2022) will be held in Zhengzhou, China on December 16-17, 2022. The meeting will be on signal processing, computer network and communication, etc. The latest research achievements in the field of communication, from domestic and foreign institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes, enterprises and institutions of experts, professors, scholars, engineers and other provide a share professional experience, expand the professional network, face to face to new ideas and show the research results of the international platform, To discuss key challenges and research directions in this field, with a view to promoting the development and application of theories and technologies in this field in universities and enterprises, as well as establishing business or research contacts and seeking global partners for future undertakings.

The purpose of this conference is to provide an authoritative international exchange platform for researchers in related fields, so as to promote good academic exchanges among scholars in related fields. It also provides global partners to establish business and scientific cooperation around the world.

The main topics of the conference include: signal processing, computer networks and communications, etc.

Call for Paper:

Signal processing:

Mixed signal processing, multidimensional signal processing, speech and audio and video signal processing and radar signal and data processing, soft computing, voice and video processing, multimedia signal processing, streaming media application, image and video processing, computer network and communication, traffic modeling, antenna and propagation, grid computing, mobile computing, mobile database of multimedia and VoIP services and technology, System modeling, virtual reality simulation technology and its application, optical communication, RADIO frequency and microwave communication, satellite communication, ultra-wideband communication, wireless communication and technology, wireless network, cross-layer design mesh network, cooperative network sensor network, programmable network security authentication and authorization, data encryption, etc.


Computer Network and Communication:

Digital signal processing, communications software, peer-to-peer computing and communications, network virtualization, optical communication, assembly language programming, coding theory, network programming, network security, distributed systems, operating systems, data structure, data communication, signal processing, information analysis and infrastructure, wire sensors and communication networks, electronic information engineering, circuits and systems, Sensor networks, remote sensing and satellite communications, remote sensing signal and image processing, mobile communications, theory and practice of communication modeling, Microwave Technology and antennas

The paper published

1. Submission of conference papers

All papers will be reviewed by 2-3 committee experts. After rigorous review, all accepted papers will be published by SPIE and submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus.

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Notes for submission:

  1. EI Conference papers must be no less than 4 pages【Template Download】

  2. The conference only accepts English submissions. If you need translation service, please add conference secretary Mr. Xu on wechat (17398998540) for consultation

  3. Each accepted paper will be entitled to one free seminar (oral presentation or poster presentation)

  4. Service fee (30% of the layout fee) will be charged if the manuscript is withdrawn for personal reasons after payment.

  5. The paper should be of academic or practical value and have not been published in academic journals or conferences at home or abroad. The author may use CrossCheck, Turnitin or other search systems at his own expense. Otherwise, the author will be responsible for the rejection caused by the repetition rate of the paper

  6. Excellent papers can be recommended to SCI journals

2. HCIS journal paper submission

Human-centric Intelligent Systems (eISSN 2667-1336) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to disseminating the latest research findings on all relevant theories and practical applications in "human-centric Intelligent Systems". It also provides cutting-edge theoretical and algorithmic insights in the field of human-centered computing and analysis. Welcome to submit papers in line with the theme of the journal or the extended version of the conference paper!

  1. Submit links:

  2. The author guide:

  3. Journal online:

  4. Contact person: Editor Du [tel: 17719865132 (same wechat number); Email:]

Contact Us

Daniel Xu 

Contact mobile phone (same wechat number) : +86 17398998540


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