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2024 3rd International Conference on Aerospace and Control Engineering (ICoACE 2024)

2024 3rd International Conference on Aerospace and Control Engineering (ICoACE 2024)

标题.pngImportant Information

Date: December 6-8, 2024  

Venue: Nanjing, China

Index:  EI Compendex, Scopus

Official website:

Notification of acceptance or rejection: 1 week after the submission


The 3rd International Conference on Aerospace and Control Engineering 2024 (ICoACE 2024) will be held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, from December 6 to 8, 2024. ICoACE 2024 aims to bring together researchers, engineers, scholars, and industry leaders in the fields of aerospace and control engineering from around the globe to discuss the latest technological advances, challenges faced, and future trends. The core topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the latest technologies in aerospace engineering, unmanned aircraft systems, spacecraft control technologies, space exploration technologies, and robotic control. A special focus will be on research into next-generation artificial intelligence control systems and the application of these systems in improving flight safety and efficiency. We will invite industry veterans to deliver keynote speeches on the future of aerospace engineering or control, discussing how complex problems in the industry can be solved through advanced control algorithms, new materials technologies, and more. This will provide a platform for discussion of practical application challenges and deeper research into the future. 

Committees- ICoACE 2023

Conference Chairs


Prof. Junhui Hu

Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China

faculty profile img

Prof. Hari Kumar Voruganti

National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India

Prof. Mouquan Shen

Nanjing Tech University, China

Publication Chair


Assoc. Prof. Anwar Ali

Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China

Program Committee Chair

童旭东<span class=

Prof. Xudong Tong

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

标题.pngCall For Paper

The papers may include but are not limited to:

◕ Aerospace Materials

Materials Surface Physics

High-Performance Materials and Coatings

Special Functional Materials and Materials Design

Non-Equilibrium Materials and Preparation Technologies

New Polymeric Materials and Advanced Resin Matrix Composites

Materials Failure Analysis and Prediction Prevention

Advanced Materials Preparation Science and Forming Technology

◕ Control Engineering

Electric Automation

Intelligent control and intelligent system

Intelligent management and decision-making

Distributed control system

Fuzzy control and fuzzy system

Drive motor and control technology

Power battery management and maintenance technology

◕ Aerospace Science and Technology

Physics of Gases

Aerospace Computing

Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology

BeiDou Navigation and Positioning System

Satellite and Geophysics

Plasma Physics

Aircraft Flight Dynamics

Aerospace Structures

Computer Modelling and Simulation of Human-Machine

Ejection Lifesaving Technology

Spacecraft Thermal Control Technology

Vapor-liquid two-phase flow and heat transfer

Aircraft Anti-icing Systems

Aircraft and Vehicle Environmental Control Technology

◕ Aerospace and Mechanics

Combustion and Energy Conversion

Power and Control Systems

Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Lasers and Applied Physics

Manuscripts reviewed by experts from the conference organizing committee will be accepted and published in Conference Proceedings. The published papers will then be submitted for EI Compendex, and Scopus. 


标题.png Publication

Submit to Conference Proceedings (EI)

All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex , Scopus  for indexing.


Note: All submitted articles should report original research results, experimental or theoretical, not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence, any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

标题.pngConference Program

December 613:00-18:00Registration
December 709:00-12:00Keynote Speech
14:00-18:00Oral Presentation
December 809:00-18:00Academic tour

The above program is a brief outline. A more detailed programme will be emailed to you after the registration deadline. The actual conference schedule may be a little different according to the number of participants.

标题.pngRegistration Fee

ItemsRegistration Fee
Regular Registration for Paper (4-6 pages)

570 USD/ paper

3800 CNY/ paper

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 7)

60 USD/ extra page

400 CNY/ extra page

Attendees without a Submission

270 USD/ person

1800 CNY/ person

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies75 USD/book

500 CNY/book

This conference has set a fixed exchange rate of 100 RMB to 15 USD,Please select the payment method and currency that best suits your actual situation.

* If your paper is accepted by committee and you registered for the conference, a 30% processing fee will be deducted if a retraction is requested.



Miss Pan

Tel: +86-18922107265 (WeChat)

Conference Email:

