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2023 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application(MATMA 2023)

2023 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application

(MATMA 2023)

About MATMA 2023

2023 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application will be held in Nanjing, China on September 22-24, 2023.

MATMA 2023 will bring together innovative scholars and industry experts in the fields of Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application to a common forum. The main goal of the conference is to promote research and development activities in the fields of Machinery, aerospace technology and material application. Another goal is to promote the exchange of scientific information among researchers, developers, engineers, students and practitioners around the world.Therefore, it promotes the development and application of theory and technology in this field in universities and enterprises, and also establishes business or research contacts for participants and seeks global partners in future careers.

Welcome to submit papers to MATMA 2023 to join in the conference. We are looking forward to seeing you in Nanjing, China!

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Date: June 30, 2023 

Registration Deadline: September 14, 2023 

Final Paper Submission Date: September 15, 2023 

Conference Dates: September 22-24, 2023  

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Aerodynamics Aerospace Systems and Technology

Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity

Aerospace Design, Testing and Performance

Aerodynamics and Control

Aerospace Industry

Aerospace propulsion

Aerospace structure

Energy consumption monitoring

Energy system

Engines and Systems

Alternative Power Systems and Management

Applied Mechanics

Aerospace Materials

Special High Performance Materials

Combustion and Emission Control

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Design and manufacture

Dynamics and Control

Experimental Methods and Measurements

Flight system

Fuel and combustion

Heat and mass transfer

Industrial Tribology

Instrumentation and Control

Internal combustion engine


Registration Fee

ItemsRegistration Fee
Regular Registration for Paper (4-6 pages)500 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3400 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Student Registration450 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3000 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 7)50 USD/ extra page

300 CNY/ extra pag

Attendees without a Submission180 USD/ person

1200 CNY/ person

Attendees without a Submission (Groups)150 USD/ person(≥ 3 person)

1000 CNY/ person(≥ 3 person)

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies75 USD/book

500 CNY/boo


Conference Secretary: Susan Su


Tel: +86-13922150774 (Wechat)

The Secretary office of  MATMA 2023 will be collecting all the contributions and managing the daily organizing work of the conference. All the paper peer-review process will be completed by the conference Program Committee members and externally invited expert reviewers.

If you have any question or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
