2023 International Conference on Intelligence Scicence andComputer Engineering

2023 International Conference on Intelligence Scicence andComputer Engineering

May 14-16, 2023   Changchun


ISCE LOGO.pngGeneral Infomation

Date:May 14-16, 2023

Location:Changchun, China

Submitted to these indexers:EI Compendex, Scopus

ISCE LOGO.pngAbout ISCE 2023

Welcome to the official website of  2023 International Conference on Intelligence Scicence andComputer Engineering (ISCE 2023).

Artificial Intelligence research has made certain substantial progress in some special areas so far. However, the deeper understandings on the essence of intelligence are far from sufficient and, therefore, many state-of-the-art intelligent systems are still not able to compete with human intelligence. To advance the research in artificial intelligence, it is necessary to investigate intelligence, both ntelligence Scicence andComputer Engineering, in an interdisciplinary context. 

2023 International Conference on Intelligence Scicence andComputer Engineering (ISCE 2023)will be held on May 14-16, 2023 in Changchun. The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers from ntelligence Scicence andComputer Engineering to explore the essence of intelligence and the related technologies. The conference provides a platform for discussing some of the key issues that are related to intelligence science.

ISCE LOGO.pngCall For Papers

  • Computer Science and Engineering

  • Applied technology

  • Information science

  • Industrial Engineering

  • Electronic Engineering

  • Software Engineering

  • Mode information processing

  • robotics

  • Intelligent system

  • Image processing

  • Control technology

  • Computer Network and Security

  • artificial intelligence

  • signal processing

  • Other related topics


ISCE LOGO.pngRegistration

ItemsRegistration Fee
Regular Registration(4 pages)

490 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3400 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Manuscript numbers ≥ 3

475 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3100 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

40 USD/ extra page

300 CNY/ extra page 

Attendees without a Submission

180 USD/ person

1200 CNY/ person

Attendees without a Submission (Groups)

150 USD/ person(≥ 3 person)

1000 CNY/ person(≥ 3 person)

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies

75 USD/ book

500 CNY/ book


ISCE LOGO.pngcontact us

Conference Secretary: Mindy Cheung


Tel: +86-17620715715 (Wechat)

QQ: 1537381910
