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2024 International Conference on Intelligent Ships and Electromechanical System (ICISES 2024)

2024 International Conference on Intelligent Ships and Electromechanical System (ICISES 2024)

December 27-29, 2024     Guangzhou, China

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Conference Website:

Date & Location: December 27-29, 2024     Guangzhou, China

Indexing: EI Compendex、Inspec、Scopus、SCI

image.pngAbout ICISES 2024

The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Ships and Electromechanical System (ICISES 2024) will be held on December 27-29, 2024 in Guangzhou, China. ICISES 2024 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of intelligent ships and electromechanical system to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in intelligent ships and electromechanical system and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in intelligent ships and electromechanical system and related areas.

image.pngCall For Papers

01. Intelligent Ships

Marine Engineering / Turbine Engineering / Computational Fluid Mechanics / Ship Micro Smart Grid / Multi-energy Ship Power Network Systems / Ship Power System Modelling and Algorithms / Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Marine Electrical Equipment and Systems / Submersible and Underwater Robotics / Marine Power Plant / Ship and Marine Engineering Equipment, etc.

02. Electromechanical System

Control System Modeling / Sensor/Actuator Systems / Virtual Instruments / Manufacturing Process Simulation/ Cims and Manufacturing System / Vibration Measuring and Reliability Analysis / Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance Theory / Intelligent Mechatronics / Complex Mechanical-Electro-Liquid System / Mechatronics Control / 3D Printing Technologies / Intelligent Control / Opto-Electronic Systems / Humanoid Robots / Integrated Manufacturing System, etc.

03. More topics, click:

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Conference Proceedings

All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings, which will be submitted for EI Compendex, Inspec and Scopus. 

Download Template:  (The paper should be more than 4 pages.)

Paper Submission: or contact


SCI Journal

Journal 1:Science of Advanced Materials(ISSN :1947-2935, IF=1.067,CAS Q4)

Journal 2:Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review(ISSN :1366-5545, IF=10.047,CAS Q1)

Journal 3:Applied Sciences-Basel (ISSN :2076-3417, IF=2.7,CAS Q4)

Journal 4:Electronics(ISSN :2079-9292, IF=2.69,CAS Q4)

Instructions for submission: SCI papers should be submitted in word (.doc) format. There are no strict requirements for layout at the moment, and a paper template will be given after passing the review.

Paper Submission:   Note the invitation code: L137


December 27, 2024 (Fri.) 13:00-18:00 Registration
December 28, 2024 (Sat.) 09:00-12:00 Keynote Speech
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:30 Oral Presentation
18:00-19:30 Dinner
December 29, 2024 (Sun.) 09:00-18:00 Academic Investigation

* The above program is a brief outline. A more detailed programme will be emailed to you after the registration deadline. The actual conference schedule may be a little different according to the number of participants.


1. Author Participation: one accepted article can have one author attend the conference for free, other authors can register separately.

2. Keynote Speaker: apply for a keynote speech, which will be reviewed by the organizing committee.

3. Oral Presentation: apply for an oral presentation, 15 minutes in duration.

4. Poster Display: apply for poster display, A1 size.

5. Audience participation: no submission only participation, can also apply for speech and poster display.

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Registration Fee
Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages) 540 USD/paper (4 pages)
For IEEE Member-Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages) 510 USD/paper (4 pages)
Extra Pages(Begin at Page 5) 55 USD / extra page
Attendees without Submission 250 USD / person
Attendees without a Submission (Groups) 210 USD/ person(≥ 3 person)
Purchase Extra Proceedings 70 USD/book

1. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.

2. The registration fee does not include: ① Accommodation ② Visa application fee ③ Transportation fare.

3. And at least 30% of the registration fee will be charged as the service fee if you retract your paper for personal reasons.

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Conference Secretary: Sherry Liao

Tel: +86-13902493114 

WeChat: 86-13902493114 


Ms. Liao's WeChat QRCode


Conference Secretariat's WeChat QRCode