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2022 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Automation (IoTAIMA 2022)

箭头2.pngImportant Information


point8_7s.pngVenue: Chongqing, China

point8_7s.pngDate: July 22-24, 2022

point8_7s.pngSubmission Deadline: June 8, 2022

point8_7s.pngIndex: Ei Compendex, Scopus

It’s our great pleasure to invite you to join us for the 2022 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Automation (IoTAIMA 2022)[第三届物联网、人工智能与机械自动化国际学术会议], which will be held on July 22-24, 2022 in Chongqing, China. IoTAIMA 2022 will provide a communication forum for the international experts and researchers in the field of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Automation to share research achievements, explore solutions to research challenges, encourage international collaborations, and boost development of science and technology.

*IoTAIMA 2022 is listed on the website of Shanghai Institute of Technology, China! 



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All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

箭头2.pngCall for Papers

Radio Frequency Identification

Micro - Electro - Mechanical Systems


New Sensing Technology

Artificial intelligence

Intelligent perception systems

Intelligent control system

Unmanned system control technology

Human-machine-environment natural interaction and interaction

Intelligent manufacturing


Industrial robots and automatic production line

Mechanical control


Automatic control



箭头2.pngSubmission Methods

(1)Paper Template Download:


Please submit your papers(word+pdf) via Online Submission System:

(3)Attend the conference: 

If you only need to do a poster presentation or oral presentation but with no submission, please complete the registration before the registration deadline. 

Online Registration System:

箭头2.pngContact us



Tel: +86-13432066330

Wechat: 13432066330