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2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City (ITSSC 2022)

2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City (ITSSC 2022)

Date Venue: October 28-30, Nanjing, China

Submission Deadline: September 14

Index : EI, Scopus




The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Cities (ITSSC 2022) will be held in Nanjing, China, on October 28-30, 2022. This conference mainly discusses the research fields of intelligent transportation, driverless, digital city, smart home and intelligent life, aiming to provide an international cooperation and exchange platform for experts and scholars in this field to share research results, discuss existing problems and challenges, and explore frontier science and technology.  With a view to promoting the development and application of theories and technologies in this field in universities and enterprises, as well as establishing business or research links for participants and looking for global partners in future undertakings.



Hohai University


【General Conference Chair】

Prof. Junhui Zhao, East China Jiaotong University

Prof. Guoping Tan, Hohai University, China


【Technical Program Committee Chair】

Prof. Changjiang Zheng, Hohai University, China

Assoc. Prof. Yikang Rui, Southeast University, China

Assoc. Prof. Weichao Zhuang, Southeast University, China


【Publication Committee Chair】

Prof. Jin Tian, Jinling Institute of Technology

Prof. Siyuan Zhou, Hohai University


【Organizing Committee Chair】

Prof. Yingchi Mao, Hohai University, China

Sn Engr. Yu Wang, China Association of Productivity Promotion Centers (Executive Vice Secretary-General)

Director Jian Wan, China DESIGN GROUP CO.,LTD



All accepted papers of ITSSC 2022 will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

【Call for Papers】

(Include but not limited to the following topics)

◆Traffic Engineering (transportation system, traffic intelligence technology, infrastructure construction and management, smart cars, traffic network modeling, vehicle control system, innovative concepts of simulation and optimization, port/waterway/inland shipping and ship traffic management, Internet of Vehicles and Smart Transportation)


◆Smart/Digital Citiy (urban grid management, smart emergency management, smart manufacturing, smart city technology, spatial information technology, smart city information and communication technology (ICT), smart city Internet of things, cloud computing and Internet of things, mobile Computing, wireless communication, 5G, smart city digital goods and services, electronic service delivery, network marketing and smart economy, virtual organization and remote work, smart city governance, smart city software technology)


◆Logistics And Transportation (smart logistics, supply chain network, transportation planning and system optimization, logistics node design, the impact of smart grid on distributed energy, smart grid interoperability and standards)


◆Smart Wear (smart wearable devices and systems, smart cards, and RFID technology)


◆Information Management (management information system, information system planning and management, grid computing, super computing and cloud computing, data mining, data warehouse and knowledge discovery)



【Submission and Attending】


1. Submission Method: Submit the paper manuscripts (word and pdf) through the submission system:

2. The paper should be original, written in English, and not a pure review article. The full text should be submitted for review. Download the Paper Template:

3. Please go to the conference website to download the template typesetting, and the paper should not be less than 4 pages after typesetting.

4. Authors can attend the conference for free, please login to the registration system after registration




1. How to Attending: You can register for the conference through the online registration system:

2. Join as Listener: ITSSC 2022 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective plateform to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the filed of latest academic research. You are welcome to attend this great event.

3. Join as Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you can choose to attend ITSSC 2022 as a Presenter. As presenter, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation before register.



1. Early Bird (4 pages)(before July 28):3200RMB (470 USD) / Paper

2. Regular Registration(4 pages) :3600 RMB(550 USD) / paper (4 pages)

3.Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5):400 RMB(60 USD) / extra page

4. Attendees without a Submission:1500 RMB(230 USD) / person

(Note: Team submissions can enjoy more discounts. Please consult the conference  secretary for more details.)


【Contact Us】

Conference Secretary: Ms. Liu

QQ: 2489647082

Phone number/WeChat: 18024032582


