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2023 The 2nd International Conference on Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy(CSAIDE 2023)


2023 The 2nd  International Conference on Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy(CSAIDE 2023)

March 3-5, 2023  Nanjing,China



Date:March 3-5, 2023

Location:Nanjing, China

Submission Deadline:February 24, 2023

收录检索:EI Compendex,Scopu


 International Conference on Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy(CSAIDE 2023):EISCOPUS

SPIE of CSAIDE 2022EI index of CSAIDE 2022Scopus index of CSAIDE 2022





2023 the 2nd International Conference on Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (CSAIDE 2023) will be held on 3-5, March, 2023, in Nanjing, China. The aim of the CSAIDE 2023 is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy. CSAIDE 2022 brings together scientists and engineers who are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences and methods.

The conference also provides an international platform for sharing experiences, expanding professional networks, face-to-face exchange of new ideas and presenting research results.


Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Cyber SecurityArtificial IntelligenceDigital Economy

Active Defense Systems 

Adaptive Defense Systems 

Analysis, Benchmark of   Security Systems 

Applied Cryptography 


Biometric Security 

Complex Systems Security 

Database and System Security 

Data Protection 

Data/System Integrity 

Distributed Access Control 

Distributed Attack Systems 


High Performance Network   Virtualization 

High Performance Security   Systems 

Security in Cloud and Grid   Systems 

Security in E-Commerce 

Security in   Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing 

Security and Privacy in Smart   Grid 

Security and Privacy in   Wireless Networks 

Secure Mobile Agents and   Mobile Code 

Security Simulation and Tools 

Trusted Computing 

AI Algorithms

Natural Language Processing

Fuzzy Logic

Computer Vision and Image Understanding

Signal and Image Processing

Speech and Natural Language Processing

Computational Theories of Learning

Information Retrieval and Fusion

Hybrid Intelligent Systems

Intelligent System Architectures

Knowledge Representation

Knowledge-based Systems


Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics

Artificial Neural Networks Parallel Processing

Pattern Recognition

Pervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence

Soft Computing Theory and Applications

Software & Hardware Architectures

Automatic Programming

Machine Learning

Automatic Control

Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools


Artificial Intelligence Tools & Applications

Recent Trends and Developments

Information economy

Big data economy

Artificial intelligence and internet economy

Engineering economy and cost analysis

Econometric modeling and empirical issues



High-speed infrastructure

Digital content and green icts

Information and attention economics

Producing, distributing and sharing information goods

Pricing information goods

Multilevel governance of the digital space

Security and privacy

Open internet economy

Information management and sustainability

Data analysis and modeling in economic management

Network channel customer relationship management

E-collaboration and e-service




After the submission of this conference has been strictly reviewed by 2-3 experts from the organizing committee,the final papers will be published by EI catalogue series journals, and then submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for retrieval.

Thesis shall not be less than 4 pages.



2023 the 2nd International Conference on Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (CSAIDE 2023) will be held on April 3-5, 2023 in Nanjing, China. The following information about the schedule is for your reference:

Mar.409:00-12:00Speeches of Keynote Speakers
14:00-17:30Oral Presentations
Mar.509:00-18:00Academic Investigation

* The outline programme is shown on this page. A more detailed programme will be emailed to you after registration deadline. Actual time arrangement may be a little different according to participant numbers.


For the publication on conference proceedings:

ItemRegistration fee
Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages)

490 USD/per paper (4 pages)

3400 CNY/per paper (4 pages

Manuscript numbers ≥ 3    

440 USD/ per paper (4 pages)

3100 CNY/per paper (4 pages)         

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

40 USD/ per extra page

300 CNY/per extra pag

Attendees without Submission

180 USD/per person

1200 CNY/per perso

Attendees without Submission (Groups)

150 USD/per person(≥ 3 person)

1000 CNY/per person(≥ 3 person

Purchase Extra Journal75 USD/book

500 CNY/book 


1、Author participation: one author is allowed to participate in an employment article for free;

2、Keynote speaker: apply for a keynote speech, which will be reviewed by the organizing committee;

3、Oral speech: 15 minutes for applying for oral report;

4、Poster display: Apply for poster display, A1 size;

5、Audience participation: only participate in the conference without contribution, and also apply for speech and exhibition。

6、Register for the conference: The conference is supported by AiScholar for online registration. Please click the following chart to register for the conference:



Conference Secretary: Belinda Hanna


Tel: +86-16782275466 (Wechat)

QQ: 2454789319

Hanna Wechat.jpg



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