2022 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications
November 13-15, 2022, Guangzhou, China
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2022) is organized by South China University of Technology, co-sponsored by IEEE Guangzhou Joint AP/MTT Chapter, and co-organized by Guangzhou Alumni Association of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. IMWS-AMP 2022 is a continuation of a series of annual international events held in Suzhou, China (2015), Chengdu, China (2016), Pavia, Italy (2017), Michigan, USA (2018), Bochum, Germany (2019), Virtual (2020) and Chongqing, China (2021). The purpose of this platform is to boost technical and educational activities as well as exchanges and collaborations within the international microwave community.
IMWS-AMP2022 will be held in Guangzhou, China on Nov. 13-15, 2022. IMWS-AMP2022 will feature both invited and contributed papers. Distinguished researchers will be invited to deliver keynote speeches on technology trends and significant advances in relevant topics. Contributed papers are solicited for the same topics as listed below:
The topics include, but are not limited to, the following technical areas:
Emerging electronic and optoelectronic devices (e.g. carbon nanotube, 2D materials and beyond)
Wide bandgap and other emerging semiconductor materials (e.g. ionic materials) based electronic devices and circuits
Advanced silicon, integrated passive devices and integrated circuits
Monolithic integrated circuits
Low-temperature co-fired ceramic and liquid crystal polymer based microwave devices and circuits
Large-area printing, inkjet printing and 3D printing materials and processes for RF and THz applications
Integrated passive devices and advanced packaging for RF applications
Advanced materials (flexible, ferromagnetic and superconducting materials etc.) for RF electronics and antennas
Engineered metamaterials and plasmonics for absorption, cloaking, and wave manipulation
Passive/active microwave and terahertz devices and circuits
Antennas with advanced/complex/artificial materials and processes
Microwave and millimeter wave antennas and antenna arrays
Electronic Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts in electronic (PDF) format only. All papers must be written in English and limited to three pages including text, references, and figures. A template is available on the IMWS-AMP 2022 website. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed and all papers presented at the conference will be included in IEEE Xplore pending quality review. Note that one-page abstracts can also be acceptable, but it will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
Special Issues in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques & Microwave and Optical Technology Letters:
Authors of all papers presented at IEEE IMWS-AMP 2022 are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to a Mini-Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques or Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. Every paper will be reviewed by the respective journal in the same manner as all other regular submissions.
Best Paper Awards
Awards for Best Student Papers will be presented to the winners at the conference. The Awards Committee will judge the papers primarily on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and reviewers’ reports. To qualify for the Best Student Paper, the author must be a full-time student who presents, as the first author, the paper at the conference.
Special Sessions
Special sessions of Young Professionals (YP) and Women in Microwaves (WiM) will be organized in the conference.
PhD Student Initiative Program
PhD Student Initiative is sponsored by IEEE MTT-S Education Committee. Through this scheme, the plan is to invite mid-stage PhD students (without any paper at IMWS-AMP 2022) from universities or institutes in China to participate in this conference. The registration fee for the selected candidates will be waived, and they will be allowed to attend all the events during the conference.
Exhibition of company products is solicited for the areas related to the topics. Interested parties could contact the Conference Secretariat.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2022
Notification of Acceptance:October 15, 2022
Pre-registration: October 31, 2022