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2022 International Conference on Statistics, Data Science and Computational Intelligence (CSDSCI 2022)

2022 International Conference on Statistics, Data Science and Computational Intelligence (CSDSCI 2022) 


Conference Details

2022 International Conference on Statistics, Data Science and Computational Intelligence (CSDSCI 2022) will be held in Qingdao, China during August 19-21, 2022. CSDSCI 2022 is organized by Academic Exchange Center. This international conference aims to give exposure and to bring together academicians, researchers and industry experts for intellectual growth. The conference serves as a platform for the scientific community members to exchange ideas and approaches, present research findings, and discuss current issues and topics related to statistics, data science and computational intelligence as well as their applications. 

The conference organizing committees is aware of the current developments regarding the novel coronavirus and we understand that some participants are now facing travel restrictions. Therefore CSDSCI 2022 will be a hybrid conference combining both virtual and physical experiences.  The option to do the remote presentation is offered to encourage participants to continue with their presentations virtually by online conference, video conference, etc.  The organizing committee of CSDSCI 2022 welcomes all delegates to deliberate over various aspects related to the conference themes and sub-themes. We are looking forward to your participation!

Important Dates

point8_7s.png  Camera Ready: June 15, 2022

point8_7s.png  Registration Deadline: August 15, 2022

point8_7s.png  Conference Dates: August 19-21, 2022

point8_7s.png  Notification of Acceptance: Within one week of submission


I. Submit to Conference Proceedings 

All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers of CSDSCI 2022 will be submitted to the publisher for publication consideration. Please note that the final approval of all manuscripts will be decided by the editorial board of the publisher, and the publisher reserves its right not to accept the papers at its discretion.


1. Papers should be no less than 4 pages.

2. Please edit your paper according to the manuscript template before submission.  [Template Download]

3. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.

II. Submit papers to SCI Journal

Excellent papers can be submitted to the following SCI Journals or others.

Journal 1: CIAN- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (ISSN:1687-5265  IF= 3.633 Special Issue)

Journal 2: IJB-International Journal of Biomathematics(ISSN:1793-5245  IF=2.053   Regular Issue)

Journal 3: CSDA-COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS( ISSN:0167-9473  IF=1.381   Regular Issue)

Submission should be in WORD(.doc)format only, and specified templates will be given after evaluation.  

Online submission SCI online submission

Call for papers

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Statistics and Applications

Data Science and

 Big Data Technology

Computational intelligence
Probability theory

Bayesian Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Economic Statistics

Applied Statistics

Spatial Statistics

medical statistics

Engineering Statistics

Statistics Software

Statistical Forecasting and Decision Making

Data Technology

Data collection

Data mining

Data management

Data visualization

Machine Learning and Algorithms

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Data modeling

Model development and testing

Big data technology and application scenarios

Data Security and Privacy Protection

Genetic Algorithm

Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Tabu search algorithm

Evolutionary Algorithms

heuristic algorithm

Ant Colony Algorithm

Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm

Particle swarm algorithm

Hybrid Intelligence Algorithms

Immune algorithm

Rough set theory

artificial intelligence

Artificial neural networks

Machine learning

Biological computing

DNA computing

Quantum computing

Intelligent Computing and Optimization

Fuzzy logic

Pattern recognition

Knowledge discovery

Intelligent decision

Applications of Computational Intelligence

Other related topics

Provisional Program 

Aug.0809:00-09:10Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech 1: TBD

09:50-10:30Keynote Speech 2: TBD

Coffee Break


Keynote Speech 3: TBD


Keynote Speech 4: TBD


Oral Presnetation 1: TBD


Oral Presnetation 2: TBD

14:30 -18:00... Oral Presentations
Aug.0909:00-18:00Academic Investigation

* The outline program is shown on this page. A more detailed program will be emailed to you after the registration deadline. The actual time arrangement may be a little different according to participant numbers.

Contact US


Vivian Wang(Miss)

