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2023 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application(ICMLCA 2023)


2023 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application

October 27-29, 2023   Hangzhou, China


We would like to welcome you to the 2023 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application (ICMLCA 2023) during October 27-20 in Hangzhou, China. This unique international conference provides a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners from many industries to exchange ideas and share recent developments in the fields of Machine Learning, Computer Application and Robotic. We provide an opportunity to collaborate and advance the theory and practice of major trends in related fields and as a bridge for scholars to share and inspire their opinion.We warmly invite you to participate in ICMLCA 2023 and look forward to seeing you in Chengdu, China.


All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus  for indexing.


Papers ofICMLCA 2021 are indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.


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Papers of ICMLCA 2020 are indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.


All submitted articles should report original research results, experimental or theoretical, not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence, any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.


Machine Learning

Computer Applications


Human-robots interface and interaction 

Machine Learning Applications

Machine learning for 5G system

Machine learning for multimedia

Machine learning for Internet of Things                              

Machine learning for network slicing optimization

Machine learning for security and protection

Machine learning for user behavior prediction

Machine Learning in knowledge-intensive systems

Machine Learning Methods and analysis

Machine Learning Problems

Machine Learning Techniques for Big Data

Machine Learning Trends

Mechanism design and applications Robotic Automation and Control

Mobile sensor networks

Modeling and identification

Multi-agent Systems

Multi-Robot systems 

Natural Language Processing

Neural Network Theory and Architectures

New innovative machine learning methods

AI Architecture and Practice

AI Model and Algorithm

AI Product and Innovation


Artificial Intelligence and Technology

Artificial Intelligence in Modelling and Simulation

Artificial Intelligence in Scheduling and Optimization

Case Studies and Theories in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Architecture

Computational Chemistry and Biology

Computer vision and object recognition 

Concurrent and Parallel   Processing

Coordination in robotics 

Data Science

Data Streaming Applications

Data visualization and Modern Technologies

Deep and Reinforcement learning

Distributed and decentralized machine learning algorithms

Distributed Intelligent Processing

Intelligence Language & Speech

Intelligent wireless communications

Intelligent wireless sensor networks

Internet of Things

Maintenance and Management of Cloud Computing

Many-Core Computing and Accelerators

Social Clouds (Social Networks in the Cloud)

Software computer Applications

Software Frameworks (MapReduce, Spark, etc.) and Simulations

Tools and Framework

Activity/behavior recognition

Adaptive and flexible industrial robotics 

Agriculture robots 

AI Planning for robotics

Cognitive robotics

Evolutionary Design

Evolutionary robotics and reactive intelligence 

Evolutionary Scheduling and Optimization

Experimental evaluations of machine learning

Field Robots

Human-computer interaction

Humanoid robotics 

Hybrid Learning Models and Methods

Medical robots and bio-robotics

Micro robots and micro-manipulation

Mobile robotics

Mobile robot localization and navigation 

Modelling and simulating complex robots 

Robot behavior engineering 

Robot control

Robot learning and adaptation 

Robot sensing and data fusion

Robotic drives

Robotic Kinematics

Robotic surveillance 


Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Robotics and Related Fields

Robotics structures

Space and underwater robots


Other related topics


The following information about the schedule is for your reference.  

October 2013:00-17:00Registration
October 2109:00-12:00Speeches of Keynote Speakers
14:00-17:30Oral Presentations
October 2209:00-18:00Academic Discussion

* The above program is a brief outline. A more detailed programme will be emailed to you after the registration deadline. The actual conference schedule may be a little different according to the number of participants.


ItemsRegistration Fee

Regular Registration for Paper (5 pages)

3800 CNY/ paper (6 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 6)

400 CNY/ extra pag

Attendees without a Submission

1500 CNY/ person

Attendees without a Submission (Groups)

1200 CNY/ person(≥ 3 person)

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies

500 CNY/book

Refunds Policy

If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.

* 60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund

* 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund

* Within 30 days ahead of the conference: 30% of payment refund

* After conference: no refund

Cancellation and refund request must be made formally by email.

The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure. Losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.


