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2023 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering (CBASE 2023)

2023 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering (IEEE-CBASE 2023) 

Conference Date:November 3 – 5,2023

01fbe8a0ce8d66695f8f8d5052c3a2ad.gifVenue: Chengdu, China

Submission Deadline:  October 27, 2023

Indexing:IEEE published, EI/Scopus for index

About CBASE 2023

With the advent of the era of big data, the demand for timeliness of data acquisition and calculation are also growing. Cloud computing as an information infrastructure in the new era, became an integral part of academic research. Regarding the development of software, the cloud terminal system, system management and so on will also get more increase because of the rapid development of cloud computing. To promote the development of cloud computing and software engineering in the era of big data, 2023 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering (CBASE 2023) will beheld in Chengdu, China from November 3 – 5,2023.

The conference is aimed to provide a platform for scholars, engineers and other practitioners in cloud computing, big data and software engineering to share the latest research.The main topics include but are not limited to: Parallel Computing, Distributed and Peer-to-Peer Search, Distributed Computing, Load Balancing; Hot Backup Redundancy and Virtualization; Compilers, Data Mining and Knowledge Recovery, Embedded Systems, Software Agent Technology, Software architecture and design, etc.

CBASE 2023 welcomes all high-quality research papers and presentations in related fields.

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Date: October 27, 2023

Registration Deadline: October 27, 2023

Final Paper Submission Date: October 27 2023

Conference Dates: November 3 – 5,2023


All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

  • Submission Guidelines:

1. The submitted papers must not be previously published or under consideration of publication elsewhere.

2. Please submit your full paper (Word+pdf) to   SUBMISSION SYSTEM 

3. And please submit the full paper if both the presentation and publication are needed.

4. Please submit the Abstract only if you just want to make a presentation.

5. Templates download:Download

6. Should you have any questions or you need any information in English, please contact us at

2023 International Conference on Finance, Trade and Business Management(CBASE 2023) will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Cloud ComputingBig Data ApplicationSoftware Engineering

Cloud Solution Design Patterns

Cloud Application

Cloud Optimization and Automation

Cloud Application Architectures

Cloud Application Scalability and Availability

Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring

Cloud computing and semantic web technologies

Cloud Computing Architecture and Systems

Cloud Computing Models, Simulations, Designs, and Paradigms

Cloud Computing Technologies, Services and Applications

Cloud and grid computing for big data

Cloud Economics Cloud for Enterprise Business Transformation

Cloud Management and Operations

Cloud Middleware Frameworks

Cloud Optimization and Automation

Cloud Quality and Performance

Cloud Resource

Smart Computing Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search

Parallel, and Distributed Computing

Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing

Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search

Big Data Analysis in Mobile and Pervasive Computing

Big Data Analysis Management

Big Data Analysis Search and Mining

Big Data Service

Big Data Encryption

Big Data Open Platforms

Big Data Quality and Provenance Control

Big Data Toolkits

Data mining, graph mining and data science

Foundational Models for Big Data

Big Data Analysis Economics

Big Data Analysis for Business Model Innovation

Big Data Analysis for Enterprise, Government and Society

Big data analytics and social media

Big data applications: Bioinformatics

Scientific Applications of Big Data

Security and privacy for big data

Techniques, models and algorithms for big data

Tools and systems for big data

Visualization Analytics for Big Data

Hardware/software infrastructure for big data

Intelligent Data Processing

Machine learning and AI for big data

Embedded Systems
End user software engineering
Engineering of distributed/parallel SW systems
Engineering of embedded and real-time software
Engineering secure software
Human-Computer Interaction
Internet and information systems development
Office Suites
Operating Systems
Program comprehension and visualization

Programming Language
Reengineering, Reverse Engineering
Reliability Modeling and Analysis
Requirements Engineering
Reverse engineering and maintenance
Safety and Security Critical Software
Software Agent Technology
Software architecture and design
Software components and reuse
Software dependability, safety and reliability

Software Development Tools
Software Process Models
Software processes and workflows
Software Reuse and Metrics
Software testing and analysis
Software tools and development environments
SW Configuration management and deployment
System Platforms
Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics
Web Engineering
Web-Based Applications

Other Related Research 



Sichuan Normal University(SICNU), as a provincial key university, is among the first to carry out the national “Basic Capacity Building Project in Colleges & Universities in Mid-western China”. It’s the first normal university to undertake the basic undergraduate normal educationin Sichuan Province, China.

As one of the first national master authorization units and among the 10th batch of doctor authorization units, SICNU has developed 11 discipline fields including Literature, Sciences, Engineering, Philosophy, Economics, Management, Law, History, Education, Art and Agriculture, with 2 centers for post-doctoral studies, 3 doctoral degreeauthorizationfirst-level disciplines, 26 doctoral degree authorized locations, 24 master’s degreeauthorizationfirst-level disciplines, 12 master’s professional degree authorization categories and 82 undergraduate programs. Up to now, SICNU has been developing into a comprehensive university with over 40,000 undergraduates and  3,000 faculty members &research staffs in various fields. 

Registration Fee


Please register :Registration

  • Details of the attending registration:

Join as Presenter: If you are interested in giving a presentation at a conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you can choose to attend CBASE 2023 as a Presenter. As a presenter, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation before register. For further information, please contact us at

Join as Listener: CBASE 2023 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective platform to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the field of the latest academic research. You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration deadline.

  • Datails of the registration fees:

1. Registration fees for CBASE 2023 Regular is 3800 RMB per paper.

2. If the length of the paper exceeds 6 Pages, the cost of Each Extra Page (begin at Page 7) is 300RMB.

3. Registration fees include conference proceedings, lunches, gifts and attending all technical sessions.

4. The registration fee does not include:  

   • Accommodation

   • Visa application fee

   • Transportation fee

5. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register. 

6. Completed registrations will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee within 2-5 workdays after receiving your payment.

7. If you cannot attend the conference due to some reasons, we will mail the proceedings and invoice to you. 

  • Refunds Policy:

If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.

* 60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund

* 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund

* Within 30 days ahead of the conference: 30% of payment refund

* After conference: no refund

Cancellation and refund request must be made formally by email.

The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure. Losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.



Contact us

Camille shi

