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2025 International Conference on New Energy Engineering, Energy Storage and Micro-Grid Technology(NESMT 2025)

2025年新能源工程、储能与微电网技术国际学术会议(NESMT 2025)

2025 International Conference on New Energy Engineering, Energy Storage and Micro-Grid Technology


Date:June 20-22, 2025

1.gifAddress:Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China

Publication:Journal of Physics: Conference Series (ISSN: 1742-6596)

Index: EI Compendex, Scopus


About NESMT 2025

2025 International Conference on New Energy Engineering, Energy Storage and Micro-Grid Technology(NESMT 2025)will be grandly held in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China on June 20-22, 2025.The purpose of the conference is to provide a platform for experts, scholars, engineers and R&D personnel engaged in the fields of "New Energy Engineering", "Energy Storage "and "Micro-Grid Technology" to share scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies, understand academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussion, and promote industrial cooperation of academic achievements. The conference invites experts, scholars, business people and other relevant personnel from universities and research institutions at home and abroad to attend and exchange. Participants can not only listen to the wonderful reports of well-known experts at home and abroad, but also personally participate in face-to-face exchanges and discussions with experts and scholars from all over the world.




National Research Mordovia State University.png

National Research Mordovia State University


Jiangsu Engineering Thermophysics Society

Jiangsu Energy Research Society

Jiangsu Society for Internal Combustion Engines


【Conference General Chairs】


Prof. Daifen Chen, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering


Prof. Jie Cui, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Dean of Science Research Institute

【Technical Program Chair】


Prof. Chao Yan, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

【Publication Chair】

Serbin Serhiy.jpg

Prof. Serbin Serhiy, 

Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine


Prof. Yuxin Wang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges

 Publicity Chair


Prof. Kun Liu, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

 Organizing Committee Chairs


Prof. PETR SENIN,National Research Mordovia State University

( Fellow of Russian Academy of Sciences)

Senior Engineer, Jiao Wang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Deputy dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Liuting Zhang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology


Technical Program Committees

Prof. Chao Su, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Prof. Jie Yu, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Tao Wei, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Beibei Xiao, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Ting Bian, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Dr. Hamed Aly, Dalhousie University (IEEE Senior Member)

Local Committees

Xiaofei Yang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (IEEE Member)

Wei Fan, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Ze Sun, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Yingya Zhang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Wei Mao, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology


All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in JPCS - Journal of Physics: Conference Series (ISSN:1742-6596),  andsubmitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.



Call for Papers

1. 可再生能源发电 Renewable energy generation

高效光伏技术:High-efficiency photovoltaic technology

智能风力发电系统:Smart wind power generation system

海洋能捕获装置优化:Marine energy capture device optimization

杂交发电系统:Hybrid power generation system

地热能开发与利用:Geothermal energy development and utilization

2. 储能技术 Energy storage technology

先进锂电池技术:Advanced lithium battery technology

固态电池开发:Solid-state battery development

低成本大规模储能技术:      Low-cost large-scale energy storage technology

热储能系统创新:Thermal energy storage system innovation

能量管理与调度算法:Energy management and scheduling algorithm

3. 微电网技术 Microgrid technology

微电网集成与优化:Microgrid integration and optimization

智能控制技术:Intelligent control technology

弹性设计与应急响应:Elastic design and emergency response

电力需求侧管理:Power demand side management

分布式电源接入与协同控制:Distributed power access and coordinated control

4. 氢能技术 Hydrogen energy technology

绿色制氢技术:Green hydrogen production technology

氢燃料电池优化:Hydrogen fuel cell optimization

储氢材料创新:Hydrogen storage material innovation

氢能与电力系统集成:Hydrogen energy and power system integration

5. 电力电子技术 Power Electronics Technology

高效功率变换器开发:High-efficiency power converter development

智能变换器控制策略:Intelligent converter control strategy

并网逆变技术优化:Grid-connected inverter technology optimization

能量路由与微网接口:Energy routing and microgrid interface

电力电子系统集成:Power electronics system integration


Submission Guidelines

Please submit your papers via the Online Submission System.(Click)

1) Manuscripts must be written in English;

2) The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template; (Download the Template)

3) The paper should be no less than 5 pages and no longer than 12 pages;

* If your paper is accepted by committee and you registered for the conference, a 30% processing fee will be deducted if a retraction is requested.

Participation Method

If you are interested in attending NESMT 2025, please complete the registration on the Online Registration System.

Registration Fee

Regular Registration for Paper (5-6 pages)

510 USD/per paper (5-6 pages)

Additional Page

45 USD/One Page

Purchase Extra Conference Proceedings

75 USD/book

Presenter Only

180 USD


180 USD



