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2023 2nd International Conference on the Energy Internet and Energy Interactive Technology(EIEIT 2023)



Conference Dates: May 26-28, 2023          
Conference Venue: Nanjing, China

With the success of EIEIT 2022, It is proud to announce that 2023 2nd International Conference on the Energy Internet and Energy Interactive Technology(EIEIT 2023) will be held during May 26-28, 2023 in Nanjing, China.

Energy Internet is an important technology to support new electrical power systems. However, its development in China is still very incipient. The conference aims to provide a space of academic discussion for researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, etc. The Conference gives them the opportunity to increase their skills and gain a better knowledge of industry needs. Experts and scholars from domestic and foreign universities and research institutions, enterprises and other relevant persons are invited to attend the conference.

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 Submission Deadline

Registration Deadline

Final Paper Submission Deadline

April 28, 2023
May 10, 2023
May 20, 2023


Publication for EIEIT 2023(Full paper)
Reviewed and accepted papers will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series(Online ISSN: 1742-6596, Print ISSN: 1742-6588)and indexed EI Compendex and Scopus.

EIEIT 2022 | March 25-27, 2022 | Wuhan, China
Papers of EIEIT 2022 has been published on Energy Reports. 
And it has been indexed by SCIE, EI Compendex and Scopus already! Check the results as below, more details could be checked in the relative database.


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Topics of interest for submission include but are not limited,other related topics can also be submitted.

01. Renewable Energy
02. Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Energy Internet

03. Planning, Operation and Control of the Energy Internet
04. Information Physical Systems and Information Security for the Energy Internet
05. New energy power generation grid connection and operation technology and application
06. Operation and control of High voltage DC grids

07. Flexible DC Power Transmission Technology and Engineering Applications
08. Research and application of large grid security and operation control technology
09. Grid interconnection technology and engineering analysis
10. Operation and planning of active power distribution systems
11. Power Quality and Power Experience
12. Electrical Vehicles
13. Smart Grid
14. Regional Energy Internet
15. Regional comprehensive energy systems
16. Source-grid-load-storage coordination dispatch
17. Key equipment and its demonstrations of the energy Internet
18. Information technology in the energy Internet
19. Energy Internet Energy Management Technology
20. Big data & AI
21. IoT and digital twin
22. Mobile Internet Application
23. Cloud computation/ edge computation
24. Other Related Topics

图标.gifContact us
Conference Secretary: Jean Wu

Tel: +86 18122455684 (Wechat)

QQ: 1359308739

Conference Secretariat: