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2024 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials(ICAMAM 2024)

        2024 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials(ICAMAM 2024)

Conference official

Venue: Wuhan

Full Paper Submission Deadline: November 20, 2023

Conference Date: January 12-14, 2024

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      The 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials (ICAMAM 2024) will be held in Wuhan, China during Jan. 12-14, 2024. The conference aims to provide a platform for experts, scholars, engineering and technical personnel, and technical personnel engaged in research in the fields of applied mechanics and advanced materials science to share scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies, strengthen academic research and discussion, and promote cooperation in the industrialization of academic achievements. During the three days of the conference, the conference sincerely invited experts and scholars from domestic and foreign universities, scientific research institutions, business people and other relevant personnel to participate in the exchange and witness the achievements and progress in this field. The conference provides audiences, poster displays, oral reports and other forms of participation, and at the same time, the conference is open to the national call for papers, and has been searched in previous journals, and all experts and scholars are welcome to actively participate and submit!

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【Conference General Chair】


Prof. Cheng Huang, Soochow University


Prof. Shengjun Zhou, Wuhan University

【Conference Co-Chair】


Prof. Zhou Liming, Jilin University

【Technical Program Committee Chair】


Prof. Tianzhi Luo, University of Science and   Technology of China

【Publication Chair】


Prof. Yunqing Tang, Shandong University

【Technical Program Committee】

Prof. Teng Li, Shandong University

Prof. Yong Hu, Jilin University

Prof. Xinsong Yang, Sichuan University

Assoc Prof. Guanggen Zeng, Sichuan University

 Prof. Xinge Zhang, Jilin University

 Assoc Prof. Yiqi Wang, Dalian University of Technology

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Prof. Luo Tianzhi, University of Science and Technology of China


        Prof. Luo obtained his Ph.D from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University in 2007. He worked on cell mechanics as a Postdoc Fellow in the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University from 2008-2014. Since 2016, He has joined the faculty of University of Science and Technology of China where he has been working on the multiscale biomechanics, biomaterials and high-performance advanced materials. He has published more than 60 research papers in top journals, such as Nature Materials. His scientific findings were remarked in major media by world-known scientists. Moreover, he holds more than 20 patents. Over the past few years, he has been granted with several competitive funding from the Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Scienceetc. Additionally, he has been awarded with a number of distinguished honors and awards. 


Prof. Shengjun Zhou, Wuhan University


         Shengjun Zhou received the Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2011. He is a Professor at Wuhan University. His current research interests lie in the areas of GaN-based LEDs, photonics and semiconductors, nanoimprint lithography and direct laser writing with applications in electronic and photonic devices. He is well known as an industrial technologist. Prior to joining Wuhan University, he was a CTO at Quantum Wafer Inc. from 2011 to 2014, focusing on the development of high brightness GaN-based LEDs. He was a research fellow at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from 2014 to 2015. He received many academic awards including the National Youth Talent Support Program, IAAM Scientist Medal, Fellow of IAAM, Fellow of VEBLEO, IOP Publishing Outstanding Reviewer Award, IOP Publishing CHINA TOP CITED PAPER AWARD, distinguished Young Scholar of Hubei province, and Chutian Scholar of Hubei province. He has published more than 92 papers and holds over 36 patents. He is Co-chair of the Organizing Committee for IEEE ICEPT 

2016 conference. He served as committee member for many conferences. 

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      All full paper submissions to the ICAMAM 2024 could be written in English and will be sent to at least two reviewers and evaluated based on originality, technical or research content or depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. All accepted and registered papers will be published in conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, SCOPUS for indexing.

*The proceedings of previous conferences have been successfully searched! (Details are as follows, click to view)

●ICAMAM 2022 has been successfully published by 

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(ISSN: 1742-6596) 

●ICAMAM 2022 has been indexed by Ei Compendex. 
●ICAMAM 2023 has been successfully published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series(ISSN: 1742-6596) 
● ICAMAM 2023 has been indexed by Ei Compendex.● ICAMAM 2023 has been indexed by Scopus.

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Applied Mechanics and Engineering MechanicsAdvanced materials

Engineering mechanics

Computational mechanics


Solid mechanics


Mechanics of materials


Elastic mechanics

Fracture mechanics

Structural dynamics

Particle mechanics and material mechanics

Engineering experimental mechanics, etc.

Materials of construction

Functional materials

Flexible electronic materials


Biomimetic materials

Energy materials

Silicon material

Smart material

Three-dimensional material

Micro/nano materials

Semiconductor material

New energy materials

polymer material

Renewable material

Superplastic material

Advanced composite materials

non ferrous metal

Optical/electronic/magnetic materials, etc.

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1.The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere.

2.Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to English SUBMISSION SYSTEM (only for overseas authors)


3.Please submit the full paper, if presentation and publication are both needed.

4.Please submit the abstract only, if you just want to make presentations.

5.Templates Download: Templates

6.Should you have any questions, or you need any materials in English, please contact us at

投稿链接.png           投稿链接.png

(海外作者投稿系统)              (大陆作者投稿系统)



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Join as Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you can choose to attend ICAMAM 2024 as a Presenter. As presenter, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation before register. For further information, please contact us at :


Join as Listener : ICAMAM 2024 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective platform to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the filed of latest academic research. You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration deadline.


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Regular Registration for Paper : 490 USD/3400 CNY per paper (6 pages)

Manuscript numbers ≥ 3 : 440 USD/3100RMB/per paper (6 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 7) : 40 USD/ extra page 300RMB/per extra page

Attendees without Submission : 200 USD/1200 CNY per person

Attendees without Submission (Groups): 160 USD /1000RMB/per person(≥ 3  person)

Purchase Extra Journal : 500RMB/per book

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Conference official


Consultation QQ:3465006475 WeChat: 19872446270

Tel(Miss W):19872446270
