ISEMI 2022丨July 22-24, 2022 · Chongqing, China
2022 International Symposium on Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
All accepted papers of ISEMI 2022 will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.
【Call for Papers】
This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for everyone involved to learn and discuss about electronic measurement and instrumentation to the following areas:
Electronic Measurement
Engineering Measurement Technology
Measurement Data and Processing
Measurement Instruments
Instrumentation and Testing Applications
Sensors and Non-Electrical Measurements
Network Test Systems and Communications
Measurement and Control Theory and Applications
Smart Manufacturing and Test and Measurement
Space Science Instruments
Traditional Measurement Instruments and Modern Network Integration
Application of Measurement Data in Project Quality Supervision and Inspection
Intelligent Instrument
Virtual Instrument
Automation Equipment
Testing Instrument Design
Laser Measurement and Control
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing
Microsensor Technology and Applications
Mechanical and Electrical Integration
Information Detection and Processing Technology