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2022 2nd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Electronic Information (AMTEI2022)

2022 2nd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Electronic (AMTEI 2022)


Website URL :

Conference Dates: : November 11-13, 2022

Location: Nanjing, China

Submission Deadline: Visit the website for more details


1. About the conference:

2022 2nd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Electronic Information(AMTEI2022)will be held in Nanjing,China on November 11-13, 2022. AMTEI 2022 will bring together innovative scholars and industry experts in the fields of advanced manufacturing technology and electronic information to a common forum. The main goal of the conference is to promote research and development activities in the fields of advanced manufacturing technology, materials engineering and electronic information. Another goal is to promote the exchange of scientific information among researchers, developers, engineers, students and practitioners around the world.Therefore, it promotes the development and application of theory and technology in this field in universities and enterprises, and also establishes business or research contacts for participants and seeks global partners in future careers.



2. Important Dates

Paper Submission:Visit the website for more details

Notification of Acceptance:About 1-2 weeks after the submission

Registration Deadline: November 05, 2022


3. Submission Guides

A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)

Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be published in the conference proceedings.


B. Abstract (Presentation only)

Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.


C. English Template(Download)   
 *All submissions must not be less than 4 pages in length.
  (authors will be charged extra 50 USD/page if the manuscript length is more than 6 pages)


D. Submission Methods

1.Please send the full paper & abstract,to  SUBMISSION SYSTEM.

4. Call For Papers

1. Advanced Manufacturing Technology

2. New materials and advanced materials

3. Advanced Design Technology

4. Manufacturing System and Automation


For the publication in the conference proceedings:

ItemsRegistration Fee
Regular Registration for Paper (4-6 pages)

500 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3200 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Manuscript numbers ≥ 3

450 USD/ paper (4 pages)

2900 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 7)

50 USD/ extra page

300 CNY/ extra pag

Attendees without a Submission

180 USD/ person

1200 CNY/ person

Attendees without a Submission (Groups)

150 USD/ person(≥ 3 person)

1000 CNY/ person(≥ 3 person)

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies75 USD/book

500 CNY/book


Nov.1209:00-12:00Speeches of Keynote Speakers
14:00-17:30Oral Presentations
Nov.1309:00-18:00Academic Investigation


Conference Secretary: Chelsea Ye

Tel: +86-18122478740 

WeChat: 18122478740  

